Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And Another [Song] Bites the Dust

Have you ever really liked a song from your childhood, only to have it completely ruined by today's technology?  Let me explain.

So, when I was younger (like, elementary school "younger") I really enjoyed this one song that would come on the radio, and even though I didn't really understand any of the words, except for an occasional "Angel," and sometimes a "centerfold" (which made no sense to me at all), it had a great melody, and there was this awesome chorus of "Na Na Na Na's". 

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Anyway, I heard the song on the radio again recently, and really enjoyed bopping out to it as I was driving around.  Of course, I understood more this time around (at the very least, I know what a centerfold is) but I still couldn't understand most of the words, either because it was on a fuzzy radio channel, or because the lead singer didn't have very good diction.  Probably both.  But I sure enjoyed those "Na Na Na Na's".

I downloaded the song from itunes, and then, last night, while I was watering the lawn (because we paid a ridiculous amount of money to get our lawn aerated and seeded, and I didn't want to blow our investment, even though it kills me to think what our water bill is going to be next month) it came up on my ipod.  And, thanks to crystal clear digital technology delivering every nuance straight to my ear canal via my earbuds, I finally hear the song in its entirety.  Every. single. word.

So, now that I completely understand exactly what the song is saying, and why the words "Angel" and "centerfold" were so prominent, I must reject the appeal of the chorus of  "Na Na Na Na's".  Which just basically all means that I've erased the song from my itunes library.  But...Argggh!!!

The really frustrating thing?  Not only have I lost the $0.99 that I paid for the darn thing, not only do I have those stupid words and the images that they created in my mind, but now I can't even listen to it on the radio with the same innocent enjoyment of my 80's nostalgia.  Technology has ruined this song for me forever.

Even the Na Na Na Na's.


  1. I had a similar experience with a song off the "Grease" soundtrack. Seriously, I can't believe all of the innuendos in that movie. My parents must've not previewed that one!
