Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We Moved!!!

I haven't posted in forever because we have been staging our house, then listing our house, then selling our house, then finding a new house, then buying our new house, then packing our old house, then moving to our new house, and unpacking in our new house. It's been incredibly stressful, and I'm not moving again until I'm 85, but we're getting settled, and it's starting to feel like home.

We absolutely love our new home, and feel so incredibly blessed to be here. Seriously, we have daily moments where we just wander around, going, "This is our house!!!!" I was shaving my legs the other morning when I just had to stop, look around this fantastic bathroom, and realize again, this is where I get to shave my legs! It almost doesn't seem possible that we get something this big and beautiful, but somehow, we have. The Lord had blessed us so much; I am grateful beyond words.


  1. Yay for a new post! Im so happy we got to come and visit and stay at your fabulous house. I love it! I cant wait to come and visit again:) So after our wonderful and relaxing vacation does this mean you are going to update more? Because we will miss you lots and need to keep up with you:) no pressure :))

  2. Glad you are posting again. Your new house is big and beautiful! I loved it!

  3. Looks lovely! How many square feet do you have?

    I've been in my new house in Texas for over a year, and I still have moments where I look around and think "Wow. I LOVE my house!" I recently crammed sixteen people in here for a weekend--family in town for baby Samuel's blessing--without any major fights or traffic jams in the bathrooms.

    So, congratulations and enjoy it! Isn't it nice to look around a house and think "I could stay here until after the grandkids have grown"?
