Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We're Pregnant!!!!!

I think we've sent out emails to everyone, but just in case you haven't heard, we're pregnant!! We're expecting our 4th, Benjamin, sometime around February 17th. Or so. Kelcey was a week late, so I'm not holding my breath. Anyway, I'm 18 weeks, plus a few days, and we had our ultra sound last week, where we found out that we are, indeed, having a boy. Hence the name "Benjamin." Boy, can you imagine the therapy if it was a girl? :o) So,here are some pictures that we were able to get that are even in "3-d." I'd never had this with any of my other kids, so I think it's pretty darn cool. It even looks like he's smiling in that last one, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'm feeling great, for the most part, especially compared to the first trimester. I've just started to show, which I enjoy, because I'd a zillion times rather that people think I'm pregnant than just fat. I've also been able to feel the baby move a little bit, which is fun, because it helps you realize that there's a reason for all of this. Anyway, here I am in all my pregnancy glory:

Yeah, not much to get real excited about, but I'm almost halfway, and this is as good as it gets. Unfortunately, once I start going, I really start going. Here's hoping I don't gain 60 lbs with this pregnancy like I did with Kelcey. Keep your fingers crossed, people! :o)


  1. Katie, you look great!! Of course you guys already have a name picked out :). I soooo wish I could decide so early in a pregnancy. Yeah for Benjamin!!

  2. Katie you make 60 pounds sound like a lot! My lightest gain was 60; Try 80 lbs!! You look simply gorgeous!!
