After that we went to Ellen's Energy Adventure. It's one of my favorites, and the kids LOVED the dinosaurs. Jarom especially, which is not a surprise. We moseyed on over to the Seas building, and enjoyed the ride, that now doesn't seem so "science-y" compared to what I remember, and instead concentrates on Nemo and co. It was great though, and the best part was that there was no line. That was a lot of the way that it was while we were at Future World, either a short wait, or almost none at all. It was great!
Once we were done with lunch we went over to the Land building, and rode Living with the Land, that boat ride where they talk about the different ways you can grow food, and you see the Disney green houses. Very informative. There wasn't much else to do at that building because the kids were too short to ride Soarin', a new ride that was very popular--so popular that I was almost glad we couldn't ride it). Unfortunately, they had gotten rid of some of the older things we enjoyed the last time we were there, like Food Rocks (which was awesome, by the way) to make room for the big new ride.
Next we went over to the Imagination building, and rode Honey I Shrunk the Audience, which was a big hit, until the gigantic snake and the cat turns into a lion. Even Jarom wasn't sure that he liked that one. When we got out of the show we watched the jumping water, which needs a serious tune up.
It doesn't quite shoot out perfectly any more, which means that it doesn't land exactly where it's supposed to either. Which means that Taran, who was standing right in front of one of the "landing pads" got hit square in the back, soaking her from hair to heel. She still had a great time though, so it didn't slow us down any. Then we rode "Journey into Imagination," which was a lot of fun, and really did show you how your imagination could make ordinary things extra-ordinary. After we spent some time in the "What If" labs, we had finished everything that we could do in Future World.
Since we figured that there wasn't much that we could do with our kids in the World Showcase we decided to see if we could add a "Park Hopper" option to our tickets for the last day, so that we could go over to the Hollywood Studios, and see that park too. Unfortunately we found out that you can't add that option for just the last day. If you buy it, you have to buy it for all the days that you're there, so it would have been an extra $88 per ticket. Um, yeah, but, no.
Unfortunately (this was the part that I didn't enjoy), there was this event going on in the World Showcase called the "Food and Wine Festival." So there were all these booths of different wines and beers, and appetizers sprinkled all over the "street" walkway. That meant that there were all these morons (sorry, but true) standing around with their alchohol in one hand, and a plate of food in the other, totally clogging the street, so you couldn't get anywhere. We couldn't get to China to see the acrobats, or to Norway to ride the 'troll ride'. I was especially disappointed that we couldn't take a picture next to the huge troll in the Norway gift shop like I had done with my family on one of our trips, and that Jeff and I had done when we went on our first trip.
Once we were done with dinner we decided that it was time to get out of there. We couldn't take the crowds or the noise anymore. I had wanted to stop at France to get a chocolate croissant, but when we got there the line was out the door. Apparently "swinging singles" want pastries to go with their alcohol. As we walked through the maze of people we listened to "Off-Kilter" a rock band that incorporates bag-pipes. It was pretty cool, but we didn't want to hang around and listen in the crowd. I have never seen that many people at Walt Disney World, and I've been there during Spring Break and June!
Just before we left, Jeff "Eagle-Eye" Christensen saw a shop with Christmas stuff in it. I was so happy, because the one thing that I wanted to bring back was a Christmas ornament. And my fabulous husband found it for us! We looked around at all the ornaments, and voted on our favorite. We ended up getting one with the castle on it, which everyone loved.
There wasn't a wait for the bus (YAY!!) so we got back to the hotel fairly quick. We did some last minute shopping at the hotel for things to bring back to our neighbors, and then we took some pictures of the hotel. This part was decorated just like Andy's Room, with a huge Woody and Buzz at either end of the courtyard. Awesome!
Jeff and the kids went swimming while I packed up to go. After the kids got ready for bed, they sacked out while Jeff and I made the final preparations. We needed to have everything ready to go out the door because we had to get up at 3:00 am, so we could catch our shuttle back to the airport at 3:45 am. 
The kids were so tired, but they were troopers, yet again. We all slept in the bus back to the airport, and Kelcey slept in the stroller the entire time we were waiting for our flight.
We got some breakfast while we were waiting, then caught our flight, and were at RDU by 8:45 am, and home by 10:00. We had a wonderful trip, and we can't wait to go again!!
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