I know that I said I wouldn't be posting much in the next month, but I have repented of that sentiment, especially because I don't have to do my Dad's slideshow all by myself anymore.

Annnyyyyway, I realized that I never posted pictures of the kids with their pumpkins after we carved them. Ok, yeah, we carved pumpkins the Monday after Halloween, so what? :o) At least we got it done at all, right? And I got to make roasted pumpkind seeds . . . YUM!! It's one of my favorite treats, that I only get once a year.

Didn't the kids do such a great job? They designed them all by themselves: Jarom wanted a scary face, which he got with the big teeth, and Taran did extra big eyes on hers, which were so cute. We all had fun, and the pumpkins turned out great, so, good times all around.
I am glad to hear that we will get some more updates. YAY. The pumpkins turned out great! Great job kids. I love eating the seeds they taste so good.