Another contributing factor was that our ward "Trunk or Treat" party was Halloween night, and so we didn't get to answer our door and give out any candy. It was kind of sad that we missed that part, especially because Jarom likes handing out the candy almost as much as he likes Trick or Treating for it. He's so good at it too--he makes the cutest comments to the kids that come to the door, praising their costumes, or asking them who they are supposed to be. I missed seeing that this year.
In the afternoon we went outside and played in the front yard which was fun for the kids, and great for me because the weather had been so nice. Also, Jeff got home from work early, which was a real treat for us. Finally, around 5:45 we rounded everyone up and went in the house to get our costumes on.
Jarom looked fabulous, thanks to a "pony hide" vest that my mom had made (She is seriously amazing!! It looked professional - better than something you'd buy), and both Jarom and
Taran had authentic cowboy boots and hats - courtesy of my parents getting the kids outfitted for riding in the "Days of 47" parade with their Grandpa. Taran wore the cute cowgirl skirt outfit that my mom got for her, and Jarom wore the cowboy outfit she got for him, with real cowboy jeans and shirt.
I had bought a bunny costume for Kelcey at a consignment sale a couple of months ago for $2. I was all congratulating myself for my wonderful planning, and getting such a bargain, when I realized that it didn't fit her!! Somehow I had neglected to try the costume on before the big day came, and even though the size should have fit her, it didn't! Since we were going out to Trick or Treat in 5 minutes, I figured that desperate times called for desperate measures. So I cut out the bottom of the feet, and put on her pink boots.
It actually matched with the pink tummy, and looked really cute, but it was not, you could say, ideal. I have now learned my lesson: try everything on first!!!!
We were able to Trick or Treat around our neighborhood for almost an hour, and hit pretty much all of the areas that we wanted to. The kids got quite the haul, considering that we didn't go for a long time. We went out with our next door neighbors, the McKimmons, who have a little boy, Ryan, who is just in between Jarom and Taran's ages. They are wonderful people, and we really enjoy spending time with them.

It was so cute to hear Kelcey say, "Trick or Treat," in her high little voice. This was the first year that she was able to walk around with everyone. She totally held her own with the big kids though, going up to the doors with confidence, and being able to keep up the pace with Jarom and Taran. So much fun!!!
Finally around 7:00, we had to nip it in the bud, and go to the ward party. We were just in time for dinner, which our kids totally didn't eat, because they were too excited by all the costumes and chaos. It was low key, with a craft project, and a couple of games, but the kids loved it. And the "Trunk or Treat"-ing part was fun, but cold. Everyone had lots of candy, and they kept handing it out until it was gone, so the kids just kept going around and around the parking lot. I think Jarom may have made 7 passes, altogether. They had so much candy you couldn't fit any more into their plastic pumpkins; Kelcey's handle even broke!
It was a great Halloween altogether, even if we would have liked to do more things around our neighborhood. And now, on to Thanksgiving!!! :o)
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