Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holiday Stuff

We tried not to do a whole, whole lot this Christmas, but we did manage to squeeze in our Ward Christmas Party (they do a breakfast instead of dinner--genius!) where Kelcey was an angel in the Nativity, had our annual "Grown-ups Only" Christmas party, which was a ton of fun, took a quick trip to the mall to talk to Santa,

saw the Nutcracker

and went to "Lights on the Neuse," a really great farm where you take a hayride through the woods and look at all their light displays.

I wanted to post a picture of the first stop on the tour: Santa's Workshop from Hell, complete with demonic elves, a Santa with glowing eyes (I kid you not!) and the overwhelming smell of diesel exhaust (aka, fire and brimstone) due to the tractor being parked in a barn for several minutes while we contemplated our eventual demise, all to the tune of, "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake. . ."  I'm telling you, freakiest Christmas thing ever. 

But it's all part of the experience, right?  And the rest of it is actually quite cute, and not weird at all.

However, pictures of this holiday extravaganza will not be forthcoming because I forgot the camera in the car, I was too cold to go get it, and all we had was Jeff's iphone--which, while it seems to be almost magic, somehow can not capture how freaky it all is.

So that's the report of our activities up until everyone got here, but I will wait to post about all that fantastic fun-ness.

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