Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stomach Flu, Part II

Just to update ya'll (not that I think you're hanging on every word, in need of an update, but mostly to keep myself accountable to. . .myself) when I weighed in after the sickness saga, I was 148.5, so I had gone up, but not as much as I was afraid of.  And I was still in the 140's so I was thrilled.

I have been very busy the last couple of weeks, and feel totally behind in the making bread/doing laundry/cleaning bathrooms kind of way, but the reason I feel behind is a good one, or so I keep telling myself.  My kids have been tracked out since April 1st, and since I was such a sluggard about doing things in January, I was determined not to let this opportunity pass by.

So far we have gone to the children's museum (they have a really great one in Raleigh), got tons of books at the Library, fed the ducks and had a picnic at the park, and Jarom went to his first Cub scouts Camporee.  Then Jeff took the day off work and we spent all day at the Zoo (which is a 6 mile walking trail--whose idea was that!?), and yesterday we went to Monkey Joe's, an inflatable jumping place that I got a great "Groupon" for a couple of months ago.

Taran and Ben have colds, so today I wussed out and let Kelcey stay home from preschool so that I could make bread and catch up on the aforementioned laundry.  Yet another check mark in my best-mother-ever-scorecard. 

My sister Sue and Dave are coming next week to stay with us on their way up to Illinois (yay!) and we're planning a cook-out, plus a trip to the Dinosaur museum, and a movie night, while they're here. 

Maybe I'll get real motivated and put some pictures up so you can see all the fun, but I doubt it.  Although if my mom actually reads my blog and asks, I probably would.  :o)   In the meantime, you'll just have to take my word for it--just LOTS of fun!

1 comment:

  1. WHat if I sked for pictures? your weight thrills and inspires me and if you feel up toit, I would love love some pictures.
