Well, this last week I had the most wonderful and fantastic experience of food poisoning, brought on by my REALLY stupid (so, so, stupid!!) OCD need to not waste anything. I am fairly embarrassed by the whole thing, but my desire to be scrupulously honest requires me to tell you that I ate a quesadilla that had been sitting, forgotten, in the microwave overnight, but I figured that if I nuked it long enough, all the bacteria would be killed off, and I would be fine. That was SO not the case.
This was the sickest that I have been in years, and let me tell you, it was miserable. I was nauseous (Websters backs me up, Sue!) when I went to bed, and I started throwing up at 1:45 am (interestingly, after dreaming about throwing up because I felt so gross it was almost {almost!} a relief), again at 3:00 am, and was praying to throw up the rest of the night. And in the morning it was horror at both ends. I won't go into any more detail than that, but I'm sure it's already TMI.
Poor Jeff had to stay home from work to take care of the two little ones, because I was completely and utterly useless. Aside from the aforementioned running to the bathroom to take care of particular needs, I stayed in bed almost all day, in various states of consciousness.
I finally got up around 12:30 pm and made the heroic effort of eating 3 saltine crackers, followed by the equally daring decision to take a shower. However, that was apparently too much for my system, because that 45 minutes of mobility exhausted me so much that I when I got out of the shower I couldn't even get dressed, and just crawled beneath the sheets to sleep for another 2 1/2 hours. Pathetic.
It really was a 24 hour bug, because I still felt sick for the rest of the day, even when I went to sleep, but in the morning I had slept all night, and felt so much better by comparison (albeit a little weak), that it was like resurrection morning.
So, here's the thing: Friday is my weigh-in day for Weight Watchers, and this time I was 147.5. But I don't know how to feel about it. Sure, I'm back in the 140's, which is fantastic, but it's not real since my body got rid of basically everything that I ate on Wednesday, and Thursday I just had saltines. So, we'll see what happens next Friday. I am determined not to freak out if I go up again, but maybe, just maybe, I might stay the same?
Oh, and for those of you who were wondering, the post title is a quote from "The Devil Wears Prada," where the shallow assistant chick is bemoaning her lack of fitting into size zero clothes, or something like that.
Oh, well, whatever. But the real moral of the story? You're probably all much too smart, and much too careful, and, frankly, much too clean, to ever do what I did, but I'll say it anyway: If something has been out all night, no matter what it is, no matter if you feel guilty, THROW IT AWAY!!!!
It's just not worth it.
Math Club: Conditional Probability
6 years ago
I nearly died laughing--thanks for the pick-me-up. Nice to see you in UT a couple of weeks ago. Come visit us sometime when they get the reactors under control. Adam