I could sit here and make a whole bunch of excuses about why I haven't posted in almost a year, but I'm not going to.
What I am going to do is tell you exactly what I believe and feel about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and my God. Because I don't want there to be any question about that. To badly paraphrase Jeffrey R. Holland, when I get to the other side, I don't want there to be any confusion about where I stood.
I know, not through empirical proof, but through the witness that I have felt through the Holy Ghost, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true and living church of God on the earth. That His church that He established in the New Testament was lost, but has been restored to us. I know, because of miracles that I have personally witnessed, that His priesthood was restored, is on the earth, and that those keys are held and used by the members of the Church today. I know that the president of the Church, Thomas S. Monson, is the prophet of the Lord, holds all the keys of His priesthood, and actually talks to God. Yes, that's what I said: there is a man on earth who TALKS TO GOD, face to face. Think about that for just a moment.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior, not only of me, and of members of the Church, but of the whole world. And of the whole universe, for that matter. He knows how I feel, He knows how I hurt, He knows my weaknesses, and He still loves me. Because of His atonement I can repent of my sins. Because of His grace I am saved. Because of His atonement and grace I can be better (a tiny, tiny bit) every day, and fill my life with His love. I can become who I am truly supposed to be.
I know, because of the answers that I have gotten as I have asked God, that Joseph Smith saw what he said he saw, did what he said he did, and was who he said he was. I know, because I have prayed, I have asked, and I have seen the light and answers that it has brought to my life, that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. Period.
I know that the "Brethren", meaning the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and the First Presidency (President Monson and his two counselors) are prophets, seers and revelators, and are called by God. Because of that we have continuing revelation, and we know that we are not alone in this vast universe. I also know that the best way to be truly happy today, tomorrow, and forever, is through following the prophet and apostles.
I know that we have temples that are literally the houses of the Lord. I know that when I am inside that I feel a peace that I can feel almost no where else. I know that because of temples and the covenants that I made, and do my best to keep, that I will be with my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and my family forever.
There are more details I could share, more things that I could tell you that I "know", but for right now, this is enough. As long as you know that I believe all of this is true, it is enough. Even if you think I am wrong, that's ok. Because I know.
Math Club: Conditional Probability
6 years ago
So glad you're posting again, and I so appreciate your testimony. (Side note: have you considered doing a I'm A Mormon profile?"