Which honestly surprises me, because the preschool is run by the Baptist Church in Knightdale, and they have chapel every week, and teach bible stories as part of the curriculum. So it's not like they're trying to be politically correct, or anything.
So why is it weird to sing religious songs at Christmas, all of a sudden? They can sing "Happy Birthday," to the baby Jesus at the end of the program, but "Silent Night," is too loaded with meaning, somehow?
Although, to give them the benefit of the doubt, they might do it that way because they think that the kids know the popular songs better. And, thank heavens, at least they aren't singing Mariah Carey songs in the chapel any more.
'Cause I don't care what religion you are, that's just wrong. :o}
So here's Kelcey in her program this year. She's the cute blond one in the back who's just mouthing the words, because she didn't want to stay, and mom had to bribe her with promises of candy from Target as soon as it was over. Yup, I am that mom, the one who stoops to petty bribery to get her children to cooperate.
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