Of course, I freaked out, and berated myself the whole way to the doctor's office for not calling the very first time I noticed her gums. There's always such a fine line between being the over-protective mom who goes to the doctor for anything and everything, and being the neglectful mom who doesn't go to the doctor unless their child is bleeding profusely, or has a broken leg or something. Sigh. . . I can never get it right.
Anyway, it turns out that Kelcey has the cold sore virus, or Herpes Simplex I. Not the STD, obviously. I have cold sores occasionally, and I was afraid that the kids would have them too, but I was relieved that Jarom and Taran seem to have dodged the bullet. Not Kelcey unfortunately. I also learned that the first time that little kids gets the cold sore virus they don't actually get cold sores. Instead, they do what Kelcey is doing: their gums get really really dark red, and swollen. It's really painful, and I feel so bad for her. Here's a picture for illustration. She's such a trooper, and I'm not making it any easier, am I? :o)
So she's on Amoxicil four times a day, plus the doctor prescribed Tylenol with Codeine for nighttime. Knocks her out completely, which is a good thing, because she hadn't been sleeping well for since Sunday--ergo, neither was I. Unfortunately this virus is a lot like the chicken pox virus, and it's going to last for 14 days all together, so she's just going to have to suffer through it. Poor thing. I wish there was more I could do that would help her feel better. She hates taking the Amoxicil, so I have to hold her down on the floor to squirt it into her mouth. Not exactly soothing, is it? So just a little more than week to go. I'm sure we'll both survive, but I'll keep you posted.
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