had a yummy Mother's Day dinner (that me and my mom cooked---yeah, I know, but Jeff helped),
They really were such good sports about everything, especially since my fantastic memory-making trip to the berry farm was tragically canceled because I didn't actually know where the berry farm was. But again, they took it in stride, and instead took the kids to Hill Ridge Farms (there was almost no one there, so it was way fun).
Turns out that Hill Ridge Farms is fairly close to our neighborhood. Ah, the things you learn while driving about aimlessly, looking for the berry farm that you're almost sure is around here somewhere.
We also had Kelcey's birthday celebration Monday night ( I can't believe she's 5!), with cake and presents,
and then brought birthday cupcakes to her preschool Tuesday morning, my mom cheerfully in tow.
On Tuesday we also took a quick trip to the State Farmer's Market where I picked up 2 flats of strawberries for 18 bucks a piece. I hope that was a good price--don't tell me if I got hosed.
Then, on Wednesday, the plan was to make the bread for the week, and make freezer jam with all of the strawberries that we got. I was very excited for this plan, and was thrilled to be a part of it (name that movie quote, anyone?) but I didn't quite realize how much focus the bread making would require.
SO, the question is, how awesome is my mom? She is so awesome, that while I was making bread, she made all of the jam herself! 10 batches of it!! And she even made me go take a nap while she finished the last batch! So awesome! I mean, just look at all that jam!!
I seriously can't believe how incredible my mom is, and that I get to be her daughter for forever! How amazing is the gospel, huh? And when I think about my blessings, in every single aspect of my life, I truly get blown away. Especially when I don't really deserve most of them. Heck, I don't think I can 'deserve' any of them. But I am so, so grateful, more than words can say.